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Dear [fullname,fallback=Customer],
We’re always looking for ways we can improve our range of meals, and we’d love to hear from you.
Here at Wiltshire Farm Foods, we like to ask our customers for their feedback on our dishes and the new meal ideas we offer. You are the experts, so if you can let us know what appeals to you, it will really help our team of chefs to create even more delicious meals that you will love.
Please help us by completing our survey to give us your feedback on our Nutritious & Delicious range. It will only take you a few minutes to complete, so we’d appreciate it if you could click on the button below to get started.
Kind regards,
The Wiltshire Farm Foods Team
*Minimum order in some areas
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© Copyright 2021 Wiltshire Farm Foods. All rights reserved.
VAT No. 138176066. Company Registration No. 233851. Apetito Limited, Canal Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8RJ